Alkhidmat Pakistan Hold Rohingya Conference in Turkey

The Alkhidmat Foundation, in collaboration with, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority Turkey (AFAD) and The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW), organised a consultation meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, regarding issues faced by the Rohingya Muslims and to find their potential solutions.
The conference was attended by the delegates of 27 NGOs from worldwide, with aim to work for humanity. Abdul Shakoor, President-AKFP, represented Pakistan in the conference.

The purpose of the conference was to plan and execute relief activities in the light of current situation of Rohingya Muslims. Furthermore, it was decided in the conference how the Foundation can highlight the issue in front of the world especially Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan so that these countries could play their role in providing immediate relief to the Rohingya refugees and also give reach to the other NGOs to perform relief activities to the affected areas.

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